FAQ Videos
We've put together a number of FAQ videos that help answer some of the questions we're frequently asked.
The full range of videos is available to view below.
What is VPhase?
What is Voltage Optimisation?
Has this technology been tested?
Will this work for every house?
What savings could I expect?
How is the VPhase unit installed?
What are the steps to install a VPhase unit?
How will I know it is working and saving me money?
How do I buy a VPhase unit?
How much CO2 will I save?
What's the warranty on the product?
How will my electricity provider know?
How does VPhase Voltage
Optimisation work?
Frequently Asked Questions
We realise the VPhase device is a technical product,but to help you understand more about it and the features you can benefit from – read our Frequently Asked Questions, HERE
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