Memberships, Recognition & Partners
As the market leader in the domestic Voltage Optimisation arena, VPhase is actively championing the adoption of Voltage Optimisation across a variety of sectors. One of the major challenges with introducing new technology concepts is education and raising awareness and that's why the partnerships and memberships detailed below will be critical.
VPhase is the top ranked Voltage Optimisation supplier within the PfH and Fusion21 framework for supply of energy saving technologies to the social housing organisations that make up the framework's membership. With over 700 members, representing 3.2 million homes in the UK, putting forward Voltage Optimisation technology to this audience is seen as a critical step in the adoption process.

VPhase is a Principal Corporate Sponsor of SHIFT (Sustainable Homes Index for Tomorrow). SHIFT members commit to independent assessment, peer to peer learning and continual improvement. Members benefit from a UK wide support network with access to expertise and guidance. As a body, SHIFT members represent over one million homes and have substantial influence in the housing sector.

VPhase has become a member of the UK Green Building Council. The UK Green Building Council is a membership organisation that campaigns for a sustainable built environment, one which benefits people, business and the planet. UK-GBC works with policy-makers and industry to overcome barriers to sustainability in the sector. VPhase firmly believes domestic Voltage Optimisation has a key role to play in meeting these goals.

VPhase has joined The EIC to assist with its lobbying activities. The EIC was launched in 1995 to provide environmental technology equipment and services suppliers with a strong and effective voice to influence the debate on the future of the industry among policymakers in Westminster, Whitehall and Brussels. It aims to promote constructive co-operation between the regulated, the regulators and the UK's environmental technology suppliers who serve them. Over 240 companies are members of the EIC and the number is growing rapidly.

Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) has undertaken UK trials of VPhase into households. The three month trial saw the unit installed into approximately 50 SSE customer homes across Berkshire, under the UK Government’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) scheme.
The Ofgem CERT Demonstration Action report has been published and is available to view in our reviews section HERE.
"We are always on the look out for innovative ways to help our customers reduce their energy consumption. Industrial and commerical customers have obviously been able to use voltage reduction devices for some time, so, when we were approached by VPhase, we were keen to try out their domestic version. Out hope is that housholeders will almost immediately see savings in terms of energy consumption as well as a reduction in carbon emissions."
Paul Wilkins, SSE's Energy Efficiency Team Manager September 2009.
VPhase is also working with British Gas on routes to market the product through British Gas’s existing supply channels.
"We are working hard to help our customers use less energy which in turn will help save them money and reduce their carbon footprint. As part of this drive to help our customers become more energy efficient, British Gas is currently conducting technical and commercial trials of the VPhase unit."
"We pride ourselves on the key role we play in helping our customers reduce carbon emissions and save money, which is why Voltage Optimisation is one of a range of energy efficient products and services we are investing in."
Gearoid Lane, Director of British Gas New Energy. September 2009