Press pack / media info
Everything you need to know about VPhase can be found on the pages of this web site. We've tried to make it as clear as possible so that information about the VPhase product and the technology it is based on can be easily found and understood.
However, for media and press purposes we've put together a summary PDF document that you can download HERE.
All of our press releases and news are available HERE and investor news is available HERE.
Our marketing team welcome editorial and media enquiries, and has a range of additional literature and photographs to help support media coverage. Please contact the marketing team by clicking for more information, support or for a general discussion about media, marketing and promotional activities.
- VPhase logo (300dpi CMYK JPG)
- VPhase product image (low res JPG)
- VPhase product image (high res JPG)
- Installation photo (high res JPG)
Sample adverts
- Professional Electrician & Installer - September 2010 (JPG)
- Regent Electrical - co-promotion - September 2010 (PDF)
- EasyJet Inflight Magazine - August 2010 (JPG)
- NICEIC Connections - July 2010 (PDF)