Save the Environment

With so much attention and interest in green, energy efficient and energy saving technologies, the VPhase VX1 is a device that many will be glad to know more about.
Existing green solutions such as loft insulation or energy saving light bulbs have already been implemented in many homes throughout the UK. So for those that are looking for the next ‘green’ technology that can help them do their part and help save the environment, the options then become more complicated.
With the advent of the feed-in-tariffs supporting solar power and micro generation, there’s been a lot of interest and media coverage of solar panels and solar PV, yet even with subsidies attached, they still represent a large capital outlay. The same holds true for solar thermal installations, domestic wind power and ground source heat pumps, etc.
However, the VPhase device is both low cost and independently proven to make savings. The VPhase should cost no more than £250 when installed at the same time as a consumer unit and the device is projected to save around 4 tonnes of CO2 over its 25+ year life span.
The really great thing about the VPhase unit is that once fitted, it will start making the savings instantly; and, unlike solar power which relies on the sun shining, the VPhase device works throughout the day limiting electricity waste and reducing carbon emissions. It’s a maintenance-free, fit and forget solution that allows you to help save the environment without having to change your behaviour or your lifestyle.
To find out just how much carbon you could save, use our Savings Calculator