It has come to our attention that the VPhase product has been mentioned in a recent Which? test. We have been in communication with Which? as regards the tests carried out by Which? and whether these were fair and appropriate.
It is our position that Which? failed to test the VPhase against the appliances in the home that not only use the most electricity, but also that can save the most from having their Voltage Optimised, such as fridges, freezers, central heating pumps, TVs and computers.
The test also seems to have failed to take into account that the product is hard-wired into the fabric of the building and therefore does not require any change in lifestyle or behaviour by the home owner.
With the extensive testing we have conducted with Ofgem and other organisations we remain very confident about our savings claims. The VPhase is designed for a life of at least 25 years, and we consider a period of 3 to 5 years for the product to pay for itself to be reasonable, particularly in light of current increases in electricity prices.
The product comes with a 5 year warranty so that there is no risk to the home owner of the product not working within this 3 to 5 year period.
In the context of other energy saving technologies, such as solar PV systems, loft insulation, or heat pumps – the payback periods and energy savings are very competitive.
As a company we are committed to providing to home owners what we believe is one of the greenest energy saving devices on the market at this price point.
If you have any questions about the Which? article or wish to discuss any of the above issues with us any further, please do not hesitate to telephone Matt Cody on .